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Why Choose A Family With Children Adopt my baby


We want to adopt because we believe every child everywhere has innate value and through adoption, we can show a child just how incredible that value is.  We can provide unconditional love, security, and opportunities for the babies. Understandably there are expecting mothers going through a terrible time deliberating over how they can care for the child growing in her womb. Maybe it is finances, lack of support, or she just knows that she is not ready to care for a child or two! Sometimes adoption is better for the child AND the mother. We know you want your child to live a meaningful, fulfilled, happy life and we are prepared to provide that for him or her.  


We are open to adopting a child/children of any race, ethnicity, and background and from any state.  We are serious when we say we believe each and EVERY child is precious and should be allowed the right to live in a loving home.  We can't wait to be that home for more babies!


Because our family is already large, we know that many people will question why we want expand even more through adoption.  We understand that sentiment, but we also see many benefits to larger families.  Plus, our first children were twins and the next two are 18 months apart, so we are quite accustomed to a full and energetic household!   Others may question if we have the ability to accept a new child into our already-established family and treat him or her equally.  As an expectant mother, we can imagine this would be one of your main concerns.  We are fully prepared to accept and cherish a new little one or two!  We have friends who have integrated their adoptive children with their biological children seamlessly, so we know it can be done.  Our biological children are very nurturing souls and ask us weekly when we are going to adopt a new baby.  We are not naive, though; raising children is challenging and comes with a unique set of trials one can never fully predict.  However, we also know that children are an incredible blessing and that our future adoptive child(ren) are blessings, as well.  We know we can do this, and we will.

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